CESNUR and ALLEANZA CATTOLICAby Miguel Martinez Massimo Introvigne, on the cover of his own books, always claims to be one of the directors of another association, called Alleanza Cattolica (hereafter AC). Introvigne is currently one of only five "consultori" (an unusual word indeed in Italian) of AC. Another, Alfredo Mantovano, is currently the "spokesman" for Alleanza Nazionale, Italy's right-wing party, and was briefly its "national co-ordinator", a job which put him practically in charge of the entire party, under the national secretary Gianfranco Fini (this is rather surprising, and may reveal something of the political clout of AC, if we remember that Mantovano joined Fini's party only three months before: see "An, primo atto dell'epurazione", La Stampa, Dec. 11, 1997, p. 6). AC however never bets on one horse only
- Introvigne is a prominent member of another right-wing party, the CCD.
Another Alleanza Cattolica member, Vietti, happens to be the group leader
in Parliament of the same party. In the same way, perhaps, Introvigne regularly writes for one right-wing daily, Il Giornale, while another Alleanza Cattolica militant, Andrea Morigi, writes for the even more extreme right-wing daily, Libero.
Of course, there is nothing wrong per
se about membership in another organization, however controversial.
After all, as Introvigne objected in his e-mail note, "the most usual confusion
about CESNUR is not to be able to distinguish individual affiliations of
directors with the association as such".
The problem however is, is Introvigne a
member of AC; or is CESNUR itself a member of AC?
Alleanza Cattolica is an organization which has been around
for roughly thirty years, and has only 200-300 members. Living at the very
margin of the official Catholic Church, for reasons which will soon become
clear, it has rarely made headlines; until quite recently, it was quite
a poor organization, without any influence whatsoever. Things changed for
two reasons: the political success in 1994of the right, a congerie of parties
which obtained millions of votes without the leadership to manage them,
opened up incredible prospects for AC which had long been bringing up its
followers as an intellectual "élite".
The other factor was the sudden, world-wide
success of Introvigne as a new born "sociologist".
Even a cursory look at the homepage of
Alleanza Cattolica, which proudly boasts that "militants of Alleanza Cattolica have founded" three organizations
- CESNUR, IDIS (Institute for Social Doctrine and Information) and ISIN
(Institute for the Study of the "Insorgenze")" clearly shows that the relationship
between CESNUR and AC goes farther than mere "personal affiliation".
IDIS is so closely associated to the right-wing
party, Alleanza Nazionale, that every week the daily of this party - Secolo
d'Italia - devotes a full page to it. Indeed, IDIS may be said to be
the leading right-wing think tank in Italy, and derives its ideas largely
from two sources: the ideology of Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira (more
about this later) and US "neo-cons".
"Insorgenze", in the initials of ISIN,
refers to the anti-Napoleonic uprisings in Italy at the close of the eighteenth
century. An episode which has been completely and undeservedly deleted
from Italy's history. But of course the purpose of this institute is highly
ideological: creating an alternative historical myth to the secular Risorgimento
of Cavour and Garibaldi, and to the "Communist" resistance movement. Like
CESNUR, ISIN includes some serious scholars, who are not always aware of
the wider agenda they have been fitted into.
AC's politics are no secret: on March 26,
1994, AC published an "appeal" for the coming political elections, inviting
voters to "take part actively, voting for the lists which present the clearest
opposition to the 'radical mass party', that is the front formed by socialcommunists
and 'progressives', who are promoting the de-Christianization of the Italian
This campaign was part of a larger campaign, well-publicized in Il Secolo d'Italia, the daily of the party then known as MSI-National Right (e.g., January 6, 1994) called "A human and political Christian action for rebuilding the identity of the Italian people". In the manifesto of this campaign, Giovanni Cantoni, the Alleanza Cattolica leader, says that Liberté and Fraternité may be acceptable, but Egalité is definitely not. In other words, militants of the right-wing organization AC create right-wing groups. Of course they are quite free to do so, as long as they do not represent themselves to be the possessors of the science of sociology, as opposed to a world of "amateurs". AC is also active among the so-called "far right", a term which in Italy covers a very complicated world of small and conflicting organizations. Just one example out of many - on April 24, 1998, Aldo Carletti, member of both CESNUR and AC - spoke at a meeting organized in Varese by the Centro Studi Trans Lineam (see Orion, n. 163, April 1998, p. 39). Writing in Orion, a magazine which reflects many different opinions of this area, Lucio Tancredi has accused AC of infiltrating the "far right" and trying to convert it to US-style neo-conservatism. There is, as we shall see, a reason behind this: the "Counter-Revolutionary" thinking which inspired the Catholic movement AC also inspired such non-Christian works as Julius Evola's Revolt Against the Modern World and René Guénon's The Crisis of the Modern World. Their ideas are by no means identical, but despite quite different views on Christianity, there are points of contact in the "spiritual politics" of all three, and in their views on the "decadence of the modern world". Introvigne is by no means the only person in CESNUR, at least in Italy, to be involved with AC. A person closely involved is the leader of AC himself, Giovanni Cantoni, officially 'National Regent' of the organization. "Regent" is a rather unusual term in Italian, where it is can either mean an interim functionary or something like a "ruler", the reason why this term is occasionally used by some right-wing groups which wish to avoid such democratic terms as "president". Of course the official explanation is the first, but Cantoni's interim has lasted several decades. In any case, a member of Alleanza Cattolica confirmed the fact that this term is used in the same sense as in English - a temporary ruler governing in the name of another, in this case (for ideological reasons which shall become evident later on) the Virgin Mary. Giovanni Cantoni is also co-author, together with Introvigne, of a booklet called Libertà religiosa, 'sette' e 'diritto di persecuzione', which is one long attack on so-called "anti-cult movements". Alleanza Cattolica, unlike Massimo Introvigne, has never hidden its extremists views, which of course it has a full right to. Here for example is the text of a leaflet
of this organization, dating back to the mid-Seventies, which refers to
one of Italy's endless and unimportant political "crises", when government
posts were reshuffled for the thousandth time, followed by elections with
tiny percentage changes. The "red government" referred to was a typically
moderate coalition of Christian Democrats and Socialists, with outside
support by Italy's extremely cautious Communist Party:
Vote anti-communist, but don't stop there! This rather boring power juggling leads the author of the leaflet to compare the Italian situation with Cambodia, no less; and finishes with the dramatic call to action: Do not despair! Help yourself so God may help you! ![]() ![]() ![]() |