Tabel for the German special characters, the html-encoding and the
usually in emails and ASCII-texts used transcriptions
character | html-code | transcription |
ä | ä | ae |
Ä | Ä | Ae |
ö | ö | oe |
Ö | Ö | Oe |
ü | ü | ue |
Ü | Ü | Ue |
ß | ß | ss sz |
Please keep in mind that there are many problems with encoding in the
internet. Windows-machines, Apples and Unix-computers use different
encodings. Therefore it is not sufficient to verify that your computer and
your browser can show the characters in the correct way. Mankind uses much
more than 256 characters but computers usually use the ASCII characters and
some in the country where the user lives usual special characters.
Windows-machines use lots of different charactersets depending on the
settings made during instalation especially dependent on the chosen
The table above shows the savest way to represent the German special
characters in html-files and in emails.
To see what happens when a wrong characterset is used try changing the
default characterset in your browser. In the Menue usually: Edit -
Preferences - Font. Then reload a page. Afterwards reset your font to the
correct one.