Introvigne, universal expert
by Miguel
Actually, Introvigne has a unique past
as an expert on everything. In 1984, he wrote a fascinating booklet
called Le domande dell'uomo, "The questions of Man", with the relevant
answers. The chapter headings show the wide range of his expertise:
I The person
II Knowledge
III Science
IV Culture
V Work
VI Art
VII Social Life
IX Society and Politics |
This type-written booklet, showing Saint George
killing a dragon on the cover, clearly shows the poverty of the organization
before it discovered the "New Religious Movements" goldmine, and is a "work
tool" for Alleanza Cattolica militants teaching "boys and girls aged between
fifteen and twenty-two, approaching Alleanza Cattolica and its milieu for
the first time".
The booklet "must not be read aloud"
to the end users, but read before training sessions by the trainers. The
booklet uses a step-by-step approach to turning trainees into militants,
explicitly based on quoting out of context:
"The kind of language
used here is an attempt to get as close as possible to the more tolerable
of those works which are currently in favour among young people; the authors
quoted are often (as in the case, for example, of Péguy, Bernanos,
Simone Weil) subjects who enjoy a certain fame among Catholic youth, and
are quoted here in a way which coincides with the meaning of [our] text,
although one could raise many objections about their overall way of thinking
[…]. However, the last chapters gradually introduce more definite
references to the social doctrine of the Church, and explicit criticism
of Liberalism, Socialism and Communism […].
From a political and social
point of view, however, the last pages of this book already provide some
conclusions, which can be the first step to later guiding the young person
towards texts which are more typical of Alleanza Cattolica."
(Massimo Introvigne, "Le
domande dell'uomo" - presentazione ai militanti di Alleanza Cattolica",
in Le domande dell'Uomo, 1984) |
One can well understand how Introvigne may
feel a measure of sympathy for cultic methods of indoctrination. Understandably,
"it is not advisable to put this text into the hands of the listeners before
the end of the seminar". It is also clear that AC considered young Introvigne
to be the best person to formulate the ideology of the organization.
Pre-CESNUR Introvigne was quite clear about
the purely ideological concerns, all going back to the "counter-Revolutionary"
ideas of Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, behind his interests:
"Dr Massimo Introvigne,
of Alleanza Cattolica, examined the relationship between abortion and the
sexual Revolution, the latter seen as the most aggressive and evident aspect
of the post-Communist phase of the revolutionary process which prof. Corrêa
de Oliveira calls the Fourth Revolution, and which can be analysed according
to the scheme which the same Corrêa de Oliveira suggest in his book
Revolution and Counter-Revolution": a revolution of deeds, of ideas,
of trends. The problem posed by the sexual revolution does not end with
deeds, since the epidemic of pornography and abortion is spread by true
untori [imaginary characters in Manzoni's novel, I promessi
sposi, suspected of spreading the plague], who propagate these
horrors. Why do they do so? Introvigne has tried to provide an answer,
taking a look at their masters: the great deniers of morals - Marx, Freud,
Nietzsche - who prepared the rediscovery of de Sade; and de Sade introduced
a new gnosis which identifies sex as the tool for a return from the evil
finiteness of individuality to the original indistinct One. Only an abortionist
sex, entirely detached from procreation, can be the tool for this gnostic
operation; whereas procreation is hated by the gnostic, it is denied by
abortion since birth is on the side of the fall, each time it renews the
drama of the birth of individuality. The modern world, Introvigne went
on to say, organizes the counter-asceticism of the sexual Revolution in
stages which we can identify as pornography (as an infernal initiation
for all), pornology (sicence of pan-sexual initiation) and pornocracy,
a seizure of power by the priests of sex".
May 1980, p. 4)
A sociologist would probably attribute changing
sexual mores to such elements as scientific innovation which has led to
the use of the pill or to the breakdown of family-based economic enterprises;
but then sociology was not part of his university studies, and he prefers
to speak of a "pornocratic seizure of power" by Gnostic sex-priests, apparently
an early incarnation of his current enemy, the "international anti-cult
Alleanza Cattolica, though it has suddenly
become "libertarian" as far as totalist cults are concerned, has not changed
its opinion on repressing private "deviations". Cristianità,
after mentioning an article of the same tone by Introvigne (in Cristianità¸
Nov.-Dec. 1986), quotes in full a document of the Congregation for
the Doctrine of Faith. For example, homosexuals do have a right to work
and housing, but:
"Such rights are not
absolute. They can be legitimately limited because of a kind of public
behaviour which is objectively disorderly. Sometimes, this will not only
be licit but also obligatory, and it will be necesary not only in case
of culpable behaviour, but also in the case of individuals who are physically
or mentally ill. It is therefore accepted that the State may restrict the
practice of rights, for example, in the case of contagious or mentally
ill people, in order to safeguard the common good […] There exists
no right to homosexuality, and this must not therefore be a foundation
for legal claims."
("Alcune considerazioni
concernenti la risposta a proposte di legge sulla non-discriminazione delle
persone omosessuali", Cristianità, n. 209-210, Sept.-Oct.
1992) |
This is a regular document of the Vatican,
which interests us here only because Alleanza Cattolica quotes it in full
as an example of the need for repression of a certain kind of private behaviour.
The same issue shows a picture of Massimo
Introvigne posing in front of a tomb in Ecuador:
In the cathedral of Quito,
Doctor Massimo Introvigne paid homage, on behalf of Alleanza Cattolica,
to the tomb of Gabriel García Moreno, the martyr president of Ecuador
assassinated in 1875, the victim of sectarian hatred which could not stand
his explicit commitment as a Catholic politician" |
Though García Moreno's assassins
may have been "sectarians" (i.e. Freemasons), Introvigne was in Ecuador
to speak against the existence of "sects", at a conference on "New
Religious Movements in Latin America".
Whatever personal motivations there may
be behind these interests, sex and sects are both deeply associated with
what the right-wing thinker Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira (as we shall
see, the inspirer of Introvigne's 'sociology') calls the "Fourth Revolution"
(the first being the Renaissance, the second the Reformation, the third
Communism), Satan's final attack on Catholic civilization.