When heresy was "blasted
with execration"
by Miguel Martinez In the coming 'Kingdom of Mary' which this
peculiar organization sees as being just around the corner, there will
be little room for "professional study" of what Introvigne calls "new religious
According to Plinio, the "Order born of the
Counter-Revolution must shine out" for its
These words are taken from Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, Rivoluzione e Contro-Rivoluzione, p. 126, Italian edition, advertised of course in Cristianità, the magazine of Alleanza Cattolica. As Cristianità tells us, "Revoluçao e Contra-Revoluçao, written in 1959, is the basic text of TFP, and provides it with the foundations of its doctrine and action" (Cristianità, Nov.Dec. 1995, pp. 5). At least, unlike Introvigne when discussing New Acropolis' "controversial texts", they do not claim this book was a "forgery" drawn up by "anti-cult movements". In a school run by TFP in France,
Quite similar words to those expressed in Cristianità appear in Lepanto (June 1991), organ of AC's sister-group:
One of Plinio's works is called Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites in the Speeches of Pius XII to the Roman Patricians and Nobility. This essay was of course published in Cristianità (In "Genesi, sviluppo e declino della 'nobiltà della terra'", in the May 1994 issue of Cristianità, on p. 15 ff., and following issues). The same May issue also contains a 9 page essay of Introvigne defending Opus Dei against the "anti-cult movement", which "reveals, often in detail, the plot of the struggle against religion in the present hour", as the cover advises us ("the present hour" is a catchword of Doctor Plinio). The word "analogous" in Plinio's title is due to a basic problem with Plinio's Brazilian chivalry (his followers call themselves "soldier monks" - cfr. Tradizione Famiglia Proprietà: Associazione cattolica o setta millenarista?, Rimini 1996, p. 27): the lack of any authentic aristocracy in a country where the élites mainly had the function of making their black slaves work to grow coffee for the breakfasts of the real élites around the world. This leads the Master to proudly claim that the old Brazilian society was a full-blown feudal one. Giovanni Cantoni, co-author as we have
seen with Introvigne on a book against "anti-cult movements", presented
Plinio's essay in an international congress in Rome on October 30, 1993:
a picture on page 21 shows Cantoni, looking something like Siegmund Freud,
speaking, next to "His Imperial Royal Highness", the Archduke Martin of
Austria. Cantoni quotes the typical expression of the Doctor - economic
differences "encourage and often oblige people to be generous, magnanimous
and to share".