Per capire il contesto di questo messaggio, si veda "Messaggi falsificati, insulti e oscenità: l'incredibile reazione degli "Amici del CESNUR".

To understand the context of this message, see "Forged Messages, Insults and Obscenities: the Incredible Reaction of the "Friends of CESNUR".

Subject: Re: About (was Re: CAN...)
Date: 1999/04/08
In article <>, (Anton Hein) wrote:
> Anton Hein's ( reply to
> (Roger/Michelle Poehlmann), who - on Tue, 6 Apr 1999 21:10:33 GMT - wrote:
> About Cult Apologists
You should be tired by now to repeat every time the old rigmarole about cult
apologists rather than dealing with the substantial issues. Obviously you are
not equipped to deal with serious issues raised by scholars. Dialogue with
you is as such: Scholar: "What you say is false" Anton: "You are paid by
Scientology" Scholar: "Court decisions prove that what you say is false"
Anton: "You are a Jehovah's Witness" Scholar: "Anti-cult literature is full
of material mistakes" Anton: "You are a right-wing extremist" This is a
pathetic attempt to switch the attention from substantial issues to scholars'
private life, politics, or finances. If they answer on these, you have
succeeded in changing the subject matter. No wonder they don't. By the way,
you have used for years stuff against CESNUR, Introvigne, Melton and other
scholars posted by one Miguel Martinez, now exposed on Italian NGs as a clown
hiding under a variety of Internet aliases and (under his own name) as a
former writer for the anti-semitic magazine "Orion" together with Robert
Faurisson, the father of all Holocaust negationists, and other similar
writers. Rather pathetically, Martinez (under one of his silly aliases)
answered that "Orion" also carried more recently articles by alleged friends
of CESNUR (evidence that they are connected with CESNUR is lacking) and an
interview with historian and "cult apologist" Jean-Francois Mayer. An
interview is not an article, and the reply only confirms the fact that
Martinez, while quickly accusing others of being fascist, in fact wrote for
an anti-semitic magazine himself. He has been now so truly discredited that
even the most extreme anti-cult Italian organization, ARIS, taking the
opportunity of some rather garbled declarations of his about islam, expelled
him with an official press release. You now need to meditate on how gullible
are people who accepts at face value anything they find on the Web against
their perceived enemies.
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