di Flavia Busatta Per agevolare la lettura, questo articolo di Flavia Busatta, tratto da Hako Magazine, è stato diviso in diverse parti.
Bibliografia essenziale
Busatta Flavia, Il respiro
del sacro, TO, 1996; Brown J.E., Alce Nero. La
sacra pipa, MI, 1975; Cervo Zoppo Archie Fire (Lame
Deer A.F.), Inipi, il canto della Terra, TO, 1990; McGaa E., Mother Earth
Spirituality, New York, NY, 1990; Neihardt J.G., Alce Nero
parla, MI 1968; Sun Bear, The Path of Power,
Spokane, WA, 1983; Black Elk W.-Lyons W.S., Black
Elk. The Sacred Ways of a Lakota, San Francisco, CA, 1990; Powers W.K., “When Black Elk
Speaks, Everybody Listens'', in Vecsey C. (ed.) Religion in Native North
America, Moscow, ID, 1990; Porterfield A., “American
Indian Spirituality as a Countercultural Movement'', in Vecsey C. (ed.) Religion
in Native North America, Moscow, ID, 1990; Kehoe A.B., “Primal Gaia:
Primitivists and Plastic Medicine Men'', in Clifton J. (ed.) The Invented
Indian, New Brunswick, NJ, 1996; Mauzé M., “On Concepts of
Tradition: An Introduction'', in Mauzé M., (ed.) Present is Past,
Lanham, NY, 1997; Hill J., “Contested Pasts and
the Practice of Anthropology'', in American Anthropologist 90:809-815;
Clifford J., I frutti puri impazziscono, TO, 1993.
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