di Sandra Busatta Per agevolare la lettura, questo articolo di Sandra Busatta, tratto da Hako Magazine, è stato diviso in diverse parti.
Bibliografia essenziale
Silverstein M., "Dynamics of Linguistic Contact'', in Goddard I. (ed.) Handbook of Noth American Indians vol. 17, Languages, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC 1996; Suttles W., "Central Coast Salis '', in Suttles W. (ed.), Handbook of Noth American Indians vol. 7 Northwest Coast, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC 1990; Kaiser R., "A Fifth Gospel, Almost: Chief Seattle's Speech(es): American Origins and European Reception'', in Feest C.F. (ed), Indians and Europe, Lincoln, NE, 1999 [1989]; id., Dio dorme nella pietra, Como 1992; Furtwangler A., Answering Chief Seattle, Seattle, WA 1997; Arrowsmith W., Speech of Chief Seattle, January 9, 1855, Arion 8 (1969):461-64; Bagley, C.B., "Chief Seattle and Angeline'', Washington Historical Quarterly 22 (1931):243-75; Clark J.L., "Thus Spoke Chief Seattle: The Story of an Undocumented Speech '', Prologue 17 (spring 1985):58-65; Jefferson T., Notes on the State of Virginia, New York, NY, 1972;
Kenmayr J., "The Earth is Our Mother: Who Really Said That?'', Seattle Times Sunday Magazine 5/1/1975; Murray M. "The Little Green Lie'', Reader's Digest 143 (July 1993):100-104; Perry T., Chief Seattle Speaks Again, Middlebury College Magazine 63, no.1 (winter 1988/89):28-30; Ric J.M., Chief Seattle's Unanswered Challenge, Fairfield, WA 1970 [1932]; Bierwert C., "Remembering Chief Seattle'', American Indian Quarterly vol.22, no.3, summer 1998; Hilbert V., "When Chief Seattle Spoke'', in Wright R.K. (ed.), A Time of Gathering, Seattle 1991.
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