workers in Eldorado do Carajás, Pará, Brazil. From the site of Piet de Blanken July 26, 2004 A Note from the Theosophical Society
July 26, 2004 Apologetics and Academic Supporters of the Family
March 10, 2003 How Introvigne turned the Jehovah's Witnesses into his salesmen
November 5, 2001
Gunboat diplomacy:
June 22, 2001 "Repeating a lie a hundred times":
June 17, 2001 Introvigne vs. Maigret
The Coup that Failed:
"If they say you are a terrorist, then you are a terrorist"
"Islam is an unreliable element"
The Extraordinary Plot of Teresio Delfino
The Old Mercenary and the SPECTRE: Ugo Maria Tassinari corrects his statements about me and New Acropolis
"The True Face of the Secret Societies: Inquest into the Mysterious Group of Thebes"
Freelosofia: A Trap on the Web
GRIS and CESNUR: Adversaries, competitors or friends?
"Tradition, Family and Property"
declares war on Brazilian samba
"If they say you're a terrorist then you ARE a terrorist"
"Militants of Alleanza Cattolica [...] founded and still inspire CESNUR"
Can Massimo Introvigne call himself "Professor"?
February 15th, 2001
Jorge Angel Livraga Rizzi: the Story of an Emperor
September 10th, 2000
Calls His Critics "Terrorists" Again
September 10th, 2000
Note About Miguel Martínez
September 10th, 2000
Site completely overhauled.
The index page was turned into a complete
guide to the site.
November 29, 1999 We
too have just gone into deprogramming
demonstration by Alleanza Cattolica
is undergoing investigation by the French Parliament
Bunch of Silly People Dressing up and Biting Each Other on the Neck"
Introvigne replies to our critique of his "anti-terrorism" study. "Only
source of funds"
criticism is called "terrorism"
This site also in GERMAN.
May 1st, 1999
incredible reaction of the 'Friends of CESNUR'
release of CESNUR referring to Introvigne's interview with Cronaca
March 2nd, 1999
Massimo Introvigne denies
having been interviewed by the magazine Cronaca Vera.
February 28th, 1999
Pinochet Go! Let Scientology Go! now also in German.
Introvigne on Cronaca Vera now also in German.
February 27th, 1999
Introvigne on Cronaca Vera - in an interview with the
Italian "gutter-press", Massimo Introvigne claims secret nomination as
ghostbuster. .
February 26th, 1999
Cult Apologist FAQ - from Massimo Introvigne to Eileen Barker and
J. Gordon Melton: exposing zealous cult defenderss. By Tilman Hausherr,
February 22nd, 1999
go Pinochet! Let go Scientology! - concerning an article published
in Cristianità, the official magazine of Alleanza Cattolica
which includes CESNUR's director Massimo Introvigne among its leaders.
By Miguel Martínez.
Also available in Dutch,
Spanish, French
and Portuguese.
January 28th, 1999
A new essay on Scientology
has been published in France: La
Secte - Secte Armée Pour la Guerre - Chronique d'une
«religion» commerciale à irresponsabilité illimitée.
Roger Gonnet. Editiones ALBAN, 1998.
January 27th, 1999
friendship with right-wing media tycoon Berlusconi blossoms - Massimo
Introvigne, a scholar closely involved with the political Right (Corriere
della Sera, January 19, 1999).
January 25th, 1999
Society did not take part in CESNUR Conference - By Stephan E.
Wolf. From Ex ZJ Infolink, Infoservice of the Network of Former
Jehova's Witnesses in Germany, November, 1998. Available also in German.
Introvigne replies to our article about the new CAN also in French.
January 23rd, 1999
President" - The editors of Allarme Scientology reply to
Massimo Introvigne, December 25, 1998 (from a previous Italian
version). Also in Portuguese.
CESNUR co-operate with the new CAN? - about the curious connections
between CESNUR and the new CAN, organization accused of being a Scientology
front group. By Harry & Martini, Christmas 1998.
Introvigne replies to our article about the new CAN - CAN isn't
reliable; Scientology is engaged in «more or less "covert" operations».
By Martini, January, 1999.
Scientology investigating us? - The strange
story of the mysterious MIAS (Italian Anti-Cult Movement),
their lies and connections with the Church of Scientology - by Martini,
Christmas 1998.
Enclosed: An
Italian Parliamentary Question on Jehovah's Witnesses (Senate of
the Italian Republic, session n. 485, november 12, 1998).
December 16th, 1998
and GRIS are divided on Scientology - When Scientology speaks
Italian, by Francesco Antonioli. From Avvenire, the daily newspaper
of the Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (CEI), the Italian Bishops’ Conference.
Tuesday, December 1st, 1998.
November 29th, 1998
Neverending Story" - GRIS Rome's commentary on CESNUR's press release,
Jonestown - Massimo Introvigne provides us with a sample of
his political agenda in an article on Jonestown.
silence on the most important "religious freedom" case in Italy
- About a document on Jehovah's Witnesses signed by twenty Italian senators
on November 12, 1998. By Miguel Martínez.
messages are behind today’s cults?" - An interesting essay by Philip
G. Zimbardo, former A.P.A. President. From the American Psychological
Association's Home Page, May 1997.
November 27th, 1998
I've seen in a Black Mass" - "A naked woman, a short coupling
with the 'priest', they mumbled invocations to the Devil" - from Epoca,
with an extensive interview to Introvigne, September 28, 1993.
Agentes Secretos do Parlamento Belga also in Portuguese.
November 21st, 1998
Opened the index section of the "Critical pages", with several links.
November 19th, 1998
Secret Agents of the Belgian Parliament - With
reference to a press
release by Massimo Introvigne and CESNUR, published on the website
of the association in November, 1998.
forces among the researchers at Cesnur" also in Portuguese.
November 17th, 1998
'98 Conference - Facts, impressions, meetings and "events",
minor and major, at an international meeting. By Dr. Raffaella Di Marzio,
from the Roman seat of G.R.I.S., Group of Research and Information on
the Sects.
November 15th, 1998
TFP's media maneuver" - research project commissioned by New
Nation, 1988. Undertaken by Centre for Cultural and Media Studies,
University of Natal, Durban, South Africa.
November 8th, 1998
Introvigne: scholar or politician? - Global domination and religion
as a weapon. An article by Lucio Tancredi published on Orion,
VII, n. 9, September, 1998.
'97: scholars or apologists? - The CESNUR International Conference
held in Amsterdam, Holland, on August 7-9, 1997. An article by Dr. Herman
de Tollenaere.
rubbish that ends up on paper" - An English translation of the original anonymous CESNUR Press Release
dated April 22, 1998, on the controversy concerning "brainwashing". This document, originally published on the official
CESNUR Web site, on August 29, mysteriously disappeared without a trace...
Some notes about the Rutherford
Institute, Paul Weyrich and Morton Blackwell (The Secret Story of a
Cult Apologist, Chapter 21).
September 11th, 1998
The note about Massimo Introvigne
and CESNUR signed by Mons. Michael L. Fitzgerald, Secretary for the Pontificio
Consiglio per il dialogo interreligioso, is now available also in Portuguese.
September 8th, 1998
We improved several texts
and fixed some mistakes.
September 1st, 1998
The "CESNUR Critical Page", originally hosted by a web site
called Allarme Scientology, opens with the publication of the Secret Story of
a Cult Apologist.
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